Lesson 7

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Transitioning in Time to a Different Music Segment

You may have noticed that there is a musical and structural similarity between Explore and Combat. The Combat music is essentially just a more intense version of the Explore music, but both pieces of music contain the same chord structure, tempo, and form, and have very similar instrumentation. This is by design, so that when transitioning between the explore and combat modes of gameplay, it’s possible to crossfade between both pieces while maintaining the same position in the form and chord progression. This will feel less disruptive than beginning a new piece of music each time the gameplay transitions between Combat and Explore music. This approach is implemented using a Transition rule designed just for this application.

  1. Open the Lesson 7 project and in the Interactive Music layout, expand and select the Wwise 201 Music Music Switch Container, then click the Transitions tab.

  2. Click the Add Transition button.

    A new Transition rule is added with the default Any to Any Source and Destination assignments. The first rule you’ll configure will manage the transition from the Explore music to the Combat music.

  3. Set the Source to Explore by dragging the Explore Music Playlist Container from the Project Explorer to the Source column of the new Transition rule.

  4. Set the Destination to Combat by dragging the Combat Music Playlist Container from the Project Explorer to the Destination column of the new Transition rule.

    The transition between the two types of music happens immediately with a quick crossfade.

  5. Change the Exit source at property to Immediate.

  6. Click the Fade-out check box and then edit the fade to have a 0.5 second Fade Time with a 0.5 second Offset.

  7. Close the Music Fade Editor.

    With the current settings, switching from the Explore to the Combat music would cause the Combat music to play from the beginning. Instead, you want to enter the Combat music at the same point in time that the Explore music is being exited, to ensure that the chord progression continues in the same order, regardless of which music is playing. The important feature that provides this capability is an option in the Sync to property called Same Time as Playing Segment.

  8. Change the Sync to property to Same Time as Playing Segment.

    Now you need to do the same for when the music transitions from Combat back to Explore. So, you will create another Transition rule that goes in the opposite direction.

  9. Repeat steps 2 to 8 in this exercise to create an additional transition with the same settings, but the Source should be Combat and the Destination should be Explore.

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