Lesson 6

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Assigning SoundBanks in Systems

In the Wwise Unity Integration you’ll get a variety of components you can use throughout any Unity Project. Most often these components will be more than enough for the game mechanics or Triggers; however, in some situations you might prefer having something that is built directly into a system of scripts. As such, the loading of quest SoundBanks are built directly into the Quest System in WAG. Let’s now locate where Quest 5 is loaded and select the Quest 5 SoundBank to load with it.

  1. In the WAG Unity project’s Audiokinetic menu, go to Certification > 251 > Lesson 6 and select the Quest SoundBanks.

  2. In the Hierarchy window, expand Questline and select 5. Venturing to the Dungeon.

  3. In the Inspector window, locate the Quest script.

    When reaching the Quest, the Quest script will load whatever SoundBank is selected in the Wwise-Type property Quest Bank.

  4. Click the Quest Bank Wwise-Type property, expand Default Work Unit > Context and click the Quest_05 SoundBank.

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