Thank you for your interest in blogging for Audiokinetic! We love connecting with audio professionals and writers who share our mission: empowering the audio community. Our goal is to keep the Audiokinetic blog community-focused and community-driven. We want to celebrate your work, share relevant and versatile content around interactive audio, and build an inspiring knowledge resource for all of us. Topics do not need to be Wwise-focused, as long as they are informative for the Wwise user and our community at large.
Please find our Blogging Guidelines, Blogging FAQs, and Guidelines for Sharing and Republishing Content, below.
Got questions you don’t see answers to? Please contact us. We’ll be happy to help.
Blogging Guidelines
Who is Audiokinetic's blog audience?
Our readers represent a wide spectrum of audio professionals seeking content on various topics related to interactive audio. Sound designers, music composers, audio programmers, audio directors, and more. The Audiokinetic blog audience comprises industry veterans, AAA studios, indies and students, from all over the world. Our blog is available in English, Japanese and Chinese.
How do I submit a post to Audiokinetic?
Please submit your full draft in a Word doc or Google doc format, and the information below to
- Your blog’s supporting images, interactive content, videos, or audio files. Here are tips on the media you may want to include:
- Images (PNG or JPG): Provide any high res images you would like to include within your document. When saving your images, please provide a descriptive name.
- URL links to videos, audio files, or any interactive content. Alternatively, you can send us the video or audio files, and we’ll take care of hosting and embedding them.
- Author ‘bio’ or company ‘about’: approximately 60 words.
- Social channels: You should include any relevant links you wish to display, such as your blog, X handle, LinkedIn profile, Facebook page, and website URL. This is a great place to include any promotional links because we generally don’t allow them in the body copy unless they are pertinent to the topic.
- Your headshot or company logo.
What topics is Audiokinetic looking for?
We are looking for posts around these categories—as they relate to the interactive audio community and/or the Wwise user.
- Project-based blogs: Feature your game, AR/VR experience, installation, or location-based project, and share your creative direction, audio development process, and how Wwise was used for the audio implementation.
- Audio programming
- Sound design
- Interactive music
- Spatial audio
- Wwise tips and tools
- Wwise partner and community plug-ins
- Interactive audio news
- Interactive audio events and conferences
- Automotive
- And other related topics !
What makes a good Audiokinetic post?
Blog submissions that we can accept need to add value to the community. To give yourself an edge, consider these tips:
- Read our blog. Develop a sense of what we publish. Subscribe to our blog to receive our most recent posts.
- Write for audio professionals.
- Tell a story—like a journalist. Cover who, what, when, where, how, and why.
- Be prescriptive. Don’t just tell readers how great Wwise was for your project for example, explain how.
- Make it personal. Share your ideas, lessons you’ve learned, challenges you’ve overcome, or problems you’ve solved.
- Make it concrete. Give examples, details, and metrics. Tell and show. Make it real.
- Make it long enough to engage and enrich readers. We don’t have a word-count goal or limit, but may suggest splitting very long blogs into series.
- Self-disclosure. Please disclose any relationships / partnerships you have when providing examples, speaking of technologies, and so on. (For instance, if an example comes from a client or your company, indicate this in the post).
- Avoid or explain buzzwords. Even though this is an audio community, we have a range of readers, all with various levels of experience. So, when you’re talking audio tech, make sure people will understand you; avoid undefined acronyms.
- Self-promotion. Focus on educational or inspirational content, as opposed to promoting your project or company in your post. Your author bio is a good place to do that.
- Include high res images (PNGs or JPGs) and/or video, audio files, or infographics.
- Incorporate utility content. Share templates, checklists, and step-by-step instructions.
- Give credit. Check your facts and quotations. Cite your sources.
- Where appropriate, share your feelings!
How can I DECREASE the likelihood that my post will be accepted?
Write a post with one or more of these characteristics:
- It has been published elsewhere. (Exceptions can sometimes be made here.)
- It is promotional only and not an educational post.
- The post lacks a clear tie to audio.
- It’s too basic.
- It gives only a general overview of complex topics.
- It’s an op-ed-style post that discusses why an issue is important without discussing what, specifically, audio professionals can do.
- It’s a white paper or other form of promotional content that is meant to tout the benefits of one specific project/product/service over others.
What is the Audiokinetic voice?
Sound like yourself! And, aim for these characteristics:
- Authoritative but not pompous
- Approachable but not wandering
- Informative but not academic
- Entertaining and quick-witted but never inappropriate
Blogging FAQs
Why should I write for the Audiokinetic blog?
Blogging for Audiokinetic may help you build your reputation, further your career, and promote your projects! When you write for us, you are sharing knowledge, experience, and ideas with the interactive audio community. Our community is friendly and active, and we like to help each other out.
Some of the reasons to consider blogging for Audiokinetic:
- We have more than 40,000 interactive audio community members and Wwise users subscribed to the blog.
- Blogs are published on the Audiokinetic launcher homepage for three weeks.
- Blog posts get shared across Audiokinetic social channels, and by community members.
- Blog authors are rewarded Creators Directory points for their company profile.
- Authors regularly tell us their posts have helped them gain new clients, new job opportunities, media interviews, and additional exposure to their work.
- The Audiokinetic blog is an international platform. We believe in sharing knowledge and inspiring one another, globally. While we cannot promise that your blog will be selected for translation, we will often translate blogs for maximum reach. We currently feature and translate content between English, Japanese, and Simplified Chinese.
How does Audiokinetic promote my post?
Audiokinetic will promote all posts via X, LinkedIn, Facebook, and other relevant social platforms and groups. All posts are also emailed to our 30,000 subscribers, and are featured on the Audiokinetic Launcher homepage for three weeks. The Audiokinetic Launcher is accessed by over 60,000 users.
There are a few ways you can help us too, so that your post gets maximum exposure:
- Tweet it out to your network. Feel free to mention: @audiokinetic #Wwise.
- Share it on Facebook and tag Audiokinetic.
- Share an update on LinkedIn from your personal profile home page.
- Respond to all comments to create conversation around your post and to gain some new fans.
- The Audiokinetic blog is an international platform. We believe in sharing knowledge and inspiring one another, globally. While we cannot promise that your blog will be selected for translation, we will often translate blogs for maximum reach. We currently feature and translate content between English, Japanese, and Simplified Chinese.
Does Audiokinetic accept pitches?
Yes. Our editorial team will accept pitches to help authors ensure that their topics are relevant, and to offer writers suggestions on how they can improve their blog outline regarding a particular topic. However, while we are happy to provide quick feedback on ideas, what determines an article’s fit for the Audiokinetic blog is its approach, its readability, and its value for the interactive audio community. So, we will need to review a full draft of your post before we can confirm acceptance.
What is the editorial process like, and how long does it take?
We want to put our best foot forward—and yours, too. Our goals: Make your post shine; give you the best possible exposure for your time and effort; and make the process as easy for you as possible. Each published post goes through a three-step review process to make sure your points are clear and everything is accurate.
You will receive a confirmation email within a couple of business days when we receive your post. After that, your post goes into our editorial queue where our team reviews each post. For posts being considered, average turnaround time for review is 2 – 4 weeks, although the timeline may be shorter, or longer, depending on the current volume of submissions under review.
If your post is accepted, we will reach out to let you know. If your post needs some additional work on your end, we’ll let you know, and if it is not accepted, we will let you know that too. We promise we won’t leave you hanging!
Please note:
If you need to know whether your post is accepted within a certain timeframe, please let us know, and we will do our best to accommodate you. While we cannot always honor publication date requests, please let us know if you have a date to meet and the reason why.
Someone from Audiokinetic invited me to submit a post. Does this guarantee acceptance?
No. When someone from the team reaches out to see if you want to submit a post, this means we love your work. However, it’s the approach an article takes that makes all the difference, so we can’t decide until we see a full draft.
What are some examples of posts that have done well on the Audiokinetic blog?
Sometimes the best way to get ideas is to learn what has performed well. Here are some standout articles:
- Planet Coaster - Crowd Management : Using Data to Generate Dynamic Crowd Audio
- Life is Strange - Dynamic Music Positioning
- Why writing plug-ins for Wwise is so important for your game projects
- Open World Ambient Design Using Image Based Parameters
- McDSP FutzBox
- Behind the scenes: Sounds of the "Passengers: Awakening" VR Experience with Technicolor Sound Designer Viktor Phoenix
Guidelines for Sharing and Republishing Content
So you want to republish a piece of content from Audiokinetic or any of our properties? First off, thanks! We love it when people want to share Audiokinetic blogs. We have some requests when it comes to how our content gets shared:
Social sharing
Of course, we love when you share our content via social media. If you want this to catch our attention, please use the following X handle and hashtag across social platforms: @audiokinetic #Wwise.
Article summaries
Feel free to publish a summary (up to 500 words) of any of our blogs, along with a link to the full blog on the Audiokinetic site. And, if you include our X hashtag #Wwise and/or handle @audiokinetic, we’ll help spread the love.
Full blog posts on the web
If you are not the author, we ask that you do not republish any articles from Audiokinetic in full. Please see Article summaries, above.
If you are the author and would like to reuse or repurpose your article, we ask that you abide by the following:
- Wait two weeks between the publication date and the time you repost an article, if you wish to republish it in full.
- Include the canonical tag to the article, so Audiokinetic is noted as the original source: URL OF BLOG POST”> (or use an appropriate plug-in).
Images and other media
All images and media files belong to the blog authors or their companies. We, therefore, cannot grant permissions for republishing them, and you will need to submit your request to each owner independently.
Print articles
Please contact us to submit your request for consideration.
Translation of articles
You are welcome to translate an Audiokinetic blog into another language. For publishing translated articles, please contact us with your request, for approval. We ask that you credit authors appropriately and link to the original post on the Audiokinetic blog. We can also help you promote the translation by linking it to the original post.
Any other questions on Audiokinetic’s blogging, sharing or republishing guidelines?
Contact us