Lesson 7

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Creating Conversion Settings

You now have the task of trying to figure out how to reduce the size of your SoundBanks. There are various strategies for this and one of the most effective is to convert the .wav audio files that you imported into the project into another form that takes less space. This could be done by reducing the sample rate, reducing the number of channels, such as downmixing it to mono, or even converting to another file type altogether. While this usually means that there will be a reduction in sound quality, that’s a compromise you may have to take. The beauty of Wwise is that you didn’t have to worry about making these conversions during the import process, allowing you to fully assess the situation and make these conversions as needed, when needed.

While it’s possible to convert files one at a time, you’ll usually decide on Conversion Settings that apply to the bulk of your sounds and apply them all together. To do this, you’ll create a Conversion Setting ShareSet that serves as a preset that you can apply to audio structures.

  1. In the Project Explorer, click the ShareSets tab.

  2. Select the Conversion Settings Default Work Unit and click Create new 'Conversion Settings'.

    The bulk of your sounds consist of general sound Effects, so you can create a Conversion Setting that generally applies to those types of sounds.

  3. Name the Conversion Settings ShareSet SFX.


    Additional Conversion Settings ShareSets can be created for other types of sounds. For example, dialogue has a limited frequency range which provides an opportunity to use lower sample rates with little noticeable effect. You also may want to treat music elements differently, as it is full frequency and we tend to be very sensitive to poor audio quality.

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