Table of Contents
The head and tail gem sequence may not sound quite right because there is no space or silence between the initial head and tail sound. Had you left silence either after the head or before the tail sounds when you did your edits earlier, you wouldn’t have this problem. However, rather than going back and changing those edits, you’ll use a different approach that provides more flexibility.
You’re going to be creating and working with another object; however, you’re going to need to audition how you use this object within the context of the overall Gem Drop Sequence Container. To ensure that the Transport Control stays connected to the Gem Drop object, you’ll use the Transport Control’s Pin feature. This effectively locks the transport to the currently selected object.
Click the pin in the Transport Control to lock the Transport Control to the Gem Drop object.
To add silence in between the gem head and gem tail sounds, you’re going to create an object that will produce only silence and insert it in-between the head and tail objects in the Sequence Container’s Playlist.
Right-click the Gem Drop sequence object and choose New Child > Sound SFX.
Name your new object Silence.
The object’s name appears in red, indicating that there’s no valid audio source to play through the object.
Up to this point, you’ve used audio files as the sound source for Sound SFX objects, but there are other types of sources that are available, such as the Synth One synthesizer that generates its own sounds from scratch. In this case, you’re going to choose Wwise Silence as the sound (or lack of sound) source.
In the Silence object’s Contents Editor, click Add Source >>.
A list of available audio sources is displayed.
Choose Wwise Silence.
A new Wwise Silence audio source object appears in the Contents Editor and the Silence Sound SFX object in the Project Explorer is no longer red because it now has a valid source.
When choosing a new child object you'll see various sound source options, including Wwise Silence listed below the Wwise object types. Selecting one of the sound source options will create the necessary Sound SFX object and assign it to the sound source in a single step.
Wwise Silence provides a parameter for duration. By default, it is set to one second. Change the duration to 0.25 seconds.
You now need to add the Silence object to the Sequence Container so that it occurs between the Gem Head and Gem Tail objects in the Playlist. New objects can be added within the Playlist of the container objects, so to add silence after the Gem Head, you need to drag the Silence object anywhere on lines 2-7.
Drag the Silence object anywhere on lines 2-7 in the Playlist.
You now see the Silence object situated in between the gem head and tail Random Containers.
The amount of silence can be adjusted by changing the duration property of the Silence sound source.
Now you need to connect the gem drop sequence to the Fire_IceGem_Player event in order to hear how it all sounds together.
In the Event Viewer, select the Fire_IceGem_Player event.
Drag the Gem Drop Sequence object into the Fire_IceGem_Player Event Property Editor.
In this configuration, the sound of the gem hitting the ground will be heard the instant the Wwizard fires the ice gem, which is not realistic. To make it more authentic, delay the playing of the Gem Drop object.
Set the Delay parameter for the newly created Action to 0.4 seconds.
When the gem is dropped out of the Wwizard's staff, it may not always take the same amount of time before hitting the ground. You can simulate this by randomizing the delay property.
Randomize the Delay time by enabling the 'Randomizer' Effect and setting the max value to 0.3 seconds.
Remember, the values here are offsets to the original value, so in this case it could take up to 0.7 seconds, but no less than 0.4 seconds before a gem hits the ground.
Earlier, you pinned the Transport Control to the Gem Drop Sequence Container. You’ll have to first unpin it in order to focus the Transport Control on the Fire_IceGem_Player Event so that you can hear the entire collection of ice gem related sounds.
Unpin the Transport Control and in the Event Viewer, choose the Fire_IceGem_Player Event and play it to audition the completed ice gem sequence.