Table of Contents
In the Wwise menu bar, choose Views > Profiler > Capture Log. In the toolbar, click Start Capture and press play on the Fire_IceGem_Player Event one time, then stop the capture.
A wealth of information is displayed. At the very top is the initial Event game call that’s transmitted when you press play, or in game-play when the player fire the ice gem. After that you see various actions that are triggered, which include both play and delay actions. Notifications verify that the intended action is occurring or has finished. This complex series of actions is what produces the soundscape you’ve crafted in this lesson!
Now you need to build the code based on your sound design and move the sounds into the game itself. This can be done with the push of a button. As you did in the first lesson, you'll go to the SoundBank layout to generate your SoundBank. This time, instead of selecting the SoundBanks, Platform and Languages to generate, you'll simply use the Generate All feature to save some steps.
Close the Capture Log, then in the menu bar choose Layouts > SoundBank and click Generate All.
Launch Cube, play the game, and listen to your sound design within game play!
Now you hear how a single Event can be used to trigger a lot of sound variation. You can probably even realize that with just this ice gem example alone, you could go back and create even more variety and realism by expanding on the granularization concept you've now put to practice. If all of this can be created from a single Event, imagine how quickly a project can grow with hundreds or thousands of events! But there are more message types coming from the game than just Events, as you'll discover in the next lesson.