Wwise Tour 2016 - CD Projekt Red Witcher (4 of 6) - Combat: Global Approach

Game: The Witcher - Wild Hunt

Wwise Tour 2016, Warsaw, Poland. The Witcher - Wild Hunt, by CD Projekt Red. Presented by Krzysztof Lipka, Senior Sound Designer and Sound Team Coordinator, Pawel Daudzward, Senior Sound Designer, Marcin Przybylowicz, Music Director and Composer and Colin Walder, Senior Audio Programmer. Wwise by Audiokinetic. https://www.audiokinetic.com/

In this video, Krzysztof describes how they crafted believable combat sounds for their 67 monsters, with a handcrafted but fast paced, and a little bit of a dirty approach. While recording sword sounds from real life, they had discovered that they were relatively dull sounds. This may have had an influence in regards to building up their enthusiasm towards creating highly detailed combat sounds.

Switches were used in abundance for their combat system, allowing them to identify:

Who’s using the weapon
What armor type is hitting the weapon
What type of attack it is
What location is being hit , and so on.

When they previewed their Wwise project in this part of the presentation, it was very apparent that their content was very organized, detailed, and structured.


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Wwise Tour

Taking place in various cities each year, the game development industry and, specifically, game audio professionals unite to share and learn from one another and the creative works and expertise of the finest of game audio teams.

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