Wwise Up On Air Hands-On | Wwise 2024.1 Integrations Updates (Part 1/2)
This video is Part 1 of the livestream. You can find Part 2 here: https://youtube.com/live/_kSOZmBoE6s
We're excited to have Audiokinetic Software Developer Hugo Turgeon-Nozaki & Sr Software Developer Michel Donais join us for an exciting deep-dive into all things Wwise 2024.1 Integrations. We'll be covering:
- Auto-Defined SoundBanks in Unity and Addressables
- Unreal Packaging
Bring your questions & get ready for some hands-on fun! We can't wait to see you there!
Useful links
Read the blog for an overview Wwise 2024.1 features and updates: https://blog.audiokinetic.com/en/wwise2024.1-whats-new/
Wwise Unity Addressables repository: https://github.com/audiokinetic/WwiseUnityAddressables/
Demo scene: https://github.com/audiokinetic/WwiseUnityAddressablesDemoScene
Audiokinetic: https://www.audiokinetic.com/
Audiokinetic Blog: https://blog.audiokinetic.com/en/
Audiokinetic Creators Directory: https://www.audiokinetic.com/en/directory/
Audiokinetic Community Q&A: https://www.audiokinetic.com/qa/
Audiokinetic Powered By Wwise: https://www.audiokinetic.com/en/solutions/powered-by-wwise/
Audiokinetic Certification: https://www.audiokinetic.com/en/education/learn-wwise/