Wwise Impacter Plug-in Overview
Impacter is a new source plug-in prototype inspired by the spirit of the original SoundSeed Impact Plug-in. It allows designers to load “impact” sound files into the plug-in and generate sound variations using cross-synthesis, as well as manipulations using intuitive physically-informed parameters. Impacter’s functionality and capacity for cross synthesis can be stretched and creatively misused to explore novel sound design possibilities as well.
While Impacter is being offered as a prototype, it should fit seamlessly into your authoring workflow, and its game runtime is a lightweight and stable synthesis algorithm that won’t break your memory or CPU budget.
*Download Impacter: https://www.audiokinetic.com/en/products/plugins/impacter/
*Explore Impacter Blog: https://blog.audiokinetic.com/en/impacter-launch-blog/
*Impacter and Unreal Blog: https://blog.audiokinetic.com/en/impacter-and-unreal-controlling-the-impacter-plug-in-using-game-physics/
*Impacter Documentation: https://www.audiokinetic.com/en/library/edge/?source=SDK&id=wwiseobject_source_impacter.html
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