
Wwise Unreal Integration Documentation
Spatial Audio Objects Blueprint Functions

AkGeometry Blueprint Functions

  • ConvertMesh: Converts the parent mesh to FAkGeometryData, a structure usable with Spatial Audio Geometry. For a static mesh type, the indices and vertices of the parent mesh are used. For the simple collision mesh type, the parent's BodySetup is converted to FAkGeometryData. If the simple collision is composed of box, sphere or capsule primitives, a bounding box for each of the primitives is used. If the simple collision has convex hull primitives, its indices and vertices are used.
  • RemoveGeometry: Calls AK:SpatialAudio::RemoveGeometry() to remove the geometry in Spatial Audio.
  • UpdateGeometry: Sends the FAkGeometryData components to Spatial Audio.

AkLateReverbComponent Blueprint Functions

  • AssociateAkTextureSetComponent: Sets the component to use to estimate the HFDamping. For example, in a Blueprint that has a static mesh component with an AkGeometry child component, you can call this function in BeginPlay to associate that AkGeometry component with this reverb component. If this late reverb component has a sibling geometry component (or surface reflector set component), it is associated automatically and it is not necessary to call this function.

AkRoomComponent Blueprint Functions

  • GetPrimitiveParent: Returns the UPrimitiveComponent attached to this Ak Room Component.

AkPortalComponent Blueprint Functions

Several Wwise-specific actions can be executed on AkPortalComponent objects. These are available in the Ak Portal Component Category.

  • OpenPortal: Opens the Portal. Emitters positioned in the AkRoomComponent in front of and behind the Portal emit through it.
  • ClosePortal: Closes the Portal. The Portal opening acts as an obstruction.
  • GetCurrentState: Returns an AkAcousticPortalState, which represents the state of the Portal (Open or Closed).
  • GetPrimitiveParent: Returns the UPrimitiveComponent attached to this Ak Portal Component.
  • PortalPlacementValid: Returns true if the portal position and orientation are valid. Portals have a front and a back room. They must have at least one connected room, and the front room must be different than the back room. Refer to AkPortalComponent and AkRoomComponent for more information.

AkSurfaceReflectorSetComponent Blueprint Functions

  • SendSurfaceReflectorSet: Calls AK:SpatialAudio::SetGeometry() to convert the brush's indices and vertices to Spatial Audio Geometry data and send it to Spatial Audio.
  • RemoveSurfaceReflectorSet: Calls AK:SpatialAudio::RemoveGeometry() to remove the geometry in Spatial Audio.
  • UpdateSurfaceReflectorSet: Calls SendSurfaceReflectorSet to send a new conversion of the brush to Spatial Audio.
See also

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