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Enabling Auro3D Panner & Headphone causes silence.

0 votes
I have followed the instructions in the Auro Panner and Auro Headphone PDF files that are in the Wwise installation folder, but when I test the audio in Unity I get complete silence and no errors. With remote enabled, clicking on Bypass All makes the sound come back. Testing in the wwise editor seems to work. I can see the plugins in the PluginInfo.xml file, so I think the data is generating fine. I've got valid trial licenses.

Has anyone got this to work? If so, are there any tricks?

Is the Auro3D system the best/easiest way to get proper spatialization in a Wwise & Unity based VR project? I'm looking for a quick and easy solution at this stage.
asked Nov 17, 2016 in General Discussion by Jeff van Dyck (110 points)
with the lack of response, does this mean nobody on here uses Auro3D?

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