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Following Cube Tutorial, No Sound After Generating Soundbank

0 votes
I've been following the tutorial, and when they told me to delete the contents of the soundbanks folder found here:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Audiokinetic\Wwise 2016.2.4.6098\Cube\cube\soundbanks

I instead copied it to a folder on my desktop just in case.

I ran through the tutorial successfully all the way to generating the new soundbank. I directed Wwise to generate the soundbank within the same folder I removed the previous data from. It created a folder called Windows, and generated the soundbank data within it.

However, when I run Cube it is still silent.

I was able to replace my generated soundbank with the data saved to my desktop and get sound back into Cube, but my soundbank left the game silent.

Any ideas?
asked Jun 16, 2017 in General Discussion by Seamus H. (100 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

I faced the same issue, and later realized that it was because I deleted the folder "Windows" under C:\Program Files (x86)\Audiokinetic\Wwise 2022.1.3.8179\Cube\cube\soundbanks.

Delete only the contents inside the Windows folder, and ensure the folder C:\Program Files (x86)\Audiokinetic\Wwise 2022.1.3.8179\Cube\cube\soundbanks\Windows remains.

Doing this helped me fix the missing ice gem blast sound when I generated a new soundbank in Lesson 1.

answered Apr 9, 2023 by Wendy P. (280 points)