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Sounds working but not Music

0 votes


I am running Unity 2017.1 and wwise 2017.1.0 Revision 2659. I have a license set in the launcher. I have a single sound bank which I load in Awake. I have a number of SFX which are triggered by events and some music which is played with an event and then the subject is changed using events. An RTPC is used to control the intensity of the music. 

All sounds and music are in one sound bank and I can see that it loads correctly. In the editor everything plays and changes as expected. However, when I build a standalone windows build, I get only the sound fx and not the music. 

- This is unlikely to be a sound bank load issue as they are all in the same sound bank. 

- There shouldn't be any issues with playback specifically as everything is working correctly in the editor.

- Is there something special about Music that I need to enable for it to be heard in the Standalone Windows 64 bit build?

Any assistance is much appreciated




asked Jul 31, 2017 in General Discussion by Lizi A. (180 points)

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