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How to retrieve Game Object name into Profiler Layout log

0 votes


taking the Cube game as example, i see into the "Wwise_IDs.h" file all the Game Object names that fire out a game call during the game, for example: Foot_Player, Fire_Shotgun_Player, Jump, etc.. Is it possible to have those names into the log during Start Capture procedure? I see that as the event occurs i get errors like the one in the attached image.

Many thanks!


asked Jan 12, 2018 in General Discussion by Federico A. (100 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

the second param of AK.SoundEngine.RegisterGameObj is the name of the GameObject

answered Jan 20, 2018 by yu j. (280 points)
Hallo Yu, thanks for your reply.
I figured out that in order to see the names of the call, first i have to create the associated events manually within Wwise (even if i don't associate Sound SFX to them). In the image "Foot_Player" and "Passi" was already (manually) created. I wonder if is possible to have those names even if they are not created before. Thanks again!