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Premake option for plugin development: No premake options available

0 votes

I'm trying to make my first plugin for Wwise. I follow the steps as described here:

When I get to the premake step, no target platforms are avaible. When accessing the help using the -h flag, it says: 

positional arguments:

  platform    platform to premake ()

According to the video, there should be platforms available and listed in the parentheses.

I'm running on a MacBook with OSX 10.11. 

Am I missing something super fundamental here?

Is it maybe impossible to create Plugins on mac, due to Wwise itself running in Wine?


Thanks in advance!

asked Sep 10, 2019 in General Discussion by Daniel S. (100 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Make sure you have selected the platforms you wish to build. On a Mac, you only have access to the build environment for Apple platforms (macOS, iOS and tvOS). Because the the Wwise Authoring application runs through Wine on Mac, it expects a Microsoft Windows DLL as authoring plug-in libraries built using a vc14x toolset, and so is unavailable on macOS.

The easiest way to then test your Authoring plug-in DLL on macOS would be to generate the bundle and install it from a directory or an archive in the Wwise Launcher.
answered May 22, 2020 by Samuel L. (Audiokinetic) (23,300 points)
I am having an issue try to "build" it for Mac. Could you help me?