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UE4 doesn't properly shutdown with Wwise 2019 [closed]

0 votes
Hi. Until recently we were using Wwise 2018 with UE4 integration on UE 4.23 and everything seemed ok. Now we're in the process of moving to UE 4.24, which forced us to update to Wwise 2019, and upon reintegrating the latest plugin we discovered that now UE4 can't properly shutdown, it hangs somewhere inside Wwise. This is potentially troublesome as editor running in the background could easily block SCM from checking out files and is inconvenient in general.

Is this a known problem? If it is - when can a fix be expected? Do other UE4.24 / Wwise 2019 users experience this?

Thanks in advance.
closed with the note: The issue is resolved
asked Feb 25, 2020 in Feature Requests by Ruslan A. (140 points)
closed Mar 12, 2020 by Ruslan A.

1 Answer

0 votes
Seems like the actual problem was in our custom UE 4.24 build (Epic Games perforce source build). Once that one was fixed, shutdown issue disappeared. Closing the question.
answered Mar 12, 2020 by Ruslan A. (140 points)