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Steps to register Astound's plugs and rebuild Wwise/Unity for Windows and Android

0 votes
First of all, I'm sound designer so I'm not a real developer, I code in C# in Unity, but am lost concerning hard part of programming and buildings ...
I tried hard with some help to rebuild Wwise/Unity integration plugin with astound registered for windows and android (Wwise 2014.1 build 5158) but I have some issues ...
First, concerning the windows rebuilds :
I first downloaded wwise unity integration sources for windows and android.
With visualstudio 2013, I openned the .sln project and changed in Additionnal library directories : $(WWISESDK)\$(Platform)_vc120\$(Configuration)\lib
In Linker ==> Input, I added the Astound's libs.
I then rebuilt Debug/Profile/Release in x86 and x64.
But after installing it in Unity and pressing play, I have a DllNotFoundException.
Second, concerning the Android build :
I managed, with the help of a programmer, to rebuild the android plug ( using python and command lines.
The problem is I couldn't find how to register Astound before.
Any ideas and helps ?
Thanks for reading,
asked Oct 29, 2014 in General Discussion by Florent D. (470 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Auto-Answer to the first question :

I made it, I used Visual studio 2012, and used vc110. And made sure to check "Visual Studio 2012 (v110)" in Platform Toolset (General proprieties)

The dll works and plugs I chose are finally registered and fully fonctionnal.

===> However, I'm still stuck on the registration of the plugs through Android .so (second question)
answered Oct 29, 2014 by Florent D. (470 points)