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No shotgun in Cube!

+4 votes
Help! I have some kind of magic staff in Cube and therefore cannot even use (or find) a shotgun to match up with the sound fx we're supposed to be assigning to said missing gun.

I'm sure it's something silly I've missed but I've spent so much time on this and could really use help on this... thanks!
asked Apr 21, 2021 in General Discussion by Zachary F. (140 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Hey Zachary, 

Are you going through Wwise 101 or 201? If so, you'll need to download Wwise 2019.1.x, until we get the courses updated. 
Take a look at this -

Wwise 101 and 201 have now been updated to using Wwise 2021.1.3, featuring a magical wand, gems, and potions.

answered Apr 22, 2021 by Mads Maretty S. (Audiokinetic) (39,400 points)
edited Aug 17, 2021 by Mads Maretty S. (Audiokinetic)
Any ETA on when the course will be updated? I'm having the same problem with the shotgun and new version, which is cool. But I don't want to backtrack with the 2019.1 version if you're about to release the updated course. Thanks guys keep up the good work.
No ETA yet unfortunately, besides what's described in the page above. We'll announce the date on social media some time before it goes live. That said, you should have a good amount of time to go through a course before that happens. Keep an eye out here -
Current ETA for new certification update: End of Juli - beginning of August. Stay tuned on Social media for a specific date.
omg thank you.  this had been maddening