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Why can't I install Xbox One as a supported platform when I modify my Wwise install?

0 votes
One of my team members is trying to modify their Wwise install to support the Xbox One platform. The launcher has the checkbox grayed out with a "missing files" text box next to it. This person has the Xbox One XDK and Visual Studio 2017 installed. What are we missing?
asked Sep 30, 2021 in General Discussion by Frank P. (130 points)

2 Answers

0 votes
Best answer
Frank - Your team member will need to be part of a project in our CRM system which has XB1 access (this goes for any 'protected' platform).  

I'll reach out by email to get the details, and we'll get you set up.

answered Oct 1, 2021 by Mike D. (Audiokinetic) (3,860 points)
selected Oct 1, 2021 by Frank P.
This did it! Thank you!
0 votes
Hiyo, they'll need to be added to your Project in the customer portal and then logged into the Launcher to access Xbox One platform content.



answered Oct 1, 2021 by Damian K. (420 points)
This did it! Thank you, Damian!