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Note For context, reference the first example. When panning on a 3D channel configuration, meaning a configuration (such as 7.1.4 or ambisonics) that can represent sound coming from above and/or below, the virtual sources are disposed in the shape of spherical caps. The following figures show stereo and 4.0 sources with various Spread and Focus.Recall that 3D positioning only takes up to 7 input ...
Wwise Help
Many of the same considerations discussed in Cinematic VR apply to Auxiliary Busses used for environmental Effects. The RoomVerb and AK Convolution Reverb Effects support ambisonics natively, however Matrix Reverb does not. You can use them on a stereo, 4.0, or greater bus, whether you want to use the front-back delays or not, and route them to ambisonic busses. Their output will be encoded to ambisonics ...
Although it is also very relevant to output, say, first order ambisonics, and mix it into a third order ambisonics bus.Set the Positioning mode to 3D Spatialization.Use random modulation with Azimuth and/or Elevation.You may use Spread to your liking (to fill the space for example). Make sure Spread is greater than 0 if your material is multichannel, otherwise each grain is treated as a point source ...
Wwise Help
As such, it is typically used on mobile platforms.AmbisonicsA surround sound technique covering the horizontal plane as well as regions above and below the listener. By way of its B-format sound field representation, it works independently of speaker setups.ADSR (Attack-Decay-Sustain-Release)The shape of an envelope as defined by the given values of a sound's attack time (and curve, in Wwise), decay ...
AkPluginType in_eType, AkUInt32 in_uCompanyID, AkUInt32 in_uPluginID, const void *in_pData, AkUInt32 in_uSizeInBytes)=0   virtual void ComputeAmbisonicsEncoding (AkReal32 in_fAzimuth, AkReal32 in_fElevation, AkChannelConfig in_cfgAmbisonics, AK::SpeakerVolumes::VectorPtr out_vVolumes)=0   virtual AKRESULT ComputeWeightedAmbisonicsDecodingFromSampledSphere (const AkVector in_samples[], AkUInt32 in_uNumSamples ...
My setup:I have a 3D Wwise event (game-defined position) It's playing from an AkAmbient actor in UE4It's routed in Wwise to an ambisonics 3-3 buswhich goes to a binaural bus that uses sce_Audio3d (this bus is also set to Ambi 3-3)and then to the master bus as stereo (Wwise audio output set to Stereo Speakers)What's wrong:When the listener turns away from the emitter, ...
Wwise SDK
Wwise::Plugin::V1::UndoManager , ak_wwise_plugin_host_undo_manager_v1 commSystem : AkCommSettings Compute() : AK::FNVHash< HashParams > Compute3DPositioning() : AK::IAkMixerPluginContext ComputeAmbisonicsEncoding() : AK::IAkGlobalPluginContext ComputeId() : AK::Win32::Device ComputeLowerCase() : AK::FNVHash< HashParams > ComputePlanarVBAPGains() : AK::IAkMixerPluginContext ComputePositioning() ...
Wwise SDK
Wwise::Plugin::V1::UndoManager Compute() : AK::FNVHash< HashParams > Compute3DPositioning() : AK::IAkMixerPluginContext ComputeAmbisonicsEncoding() : AK::IAkGlobalPluginContext ComputeId() : AK::Win32::Device ComputeLowerCase() : AK::FNVHash< HashParams > ComputePlanarVBAPGains() : AK::IAkMixerPluginContext ComputePositioning() : AK::IAkAudioDeviceEffectPluginContext , AK::IAkMixerPluginContext ...
Oriented Reverb
Wwise Audio Lab
Description: Late reverb playing from a 3D bus keeps its orientation with regard to the Room, which makes for a convincing sense of presence. This example showcases the AK Convolution Reverb plug-in using a first order ambisonics IR that purposely steers the energy in one direction. Note: The IR has been exaggerated to make the oriented reverberation effect more obvious.
Ambience Fantasy offers a range of environments that articulate the fantasy world. The various Area, Interior, and Drone subprojects represent common aspects of magical fantasy lore. The drone subprojects are especially useful for establishing an air of fantasy in any natural or urban ambience.The subprojects are mixed using higher order ambisonics with assets recorded in ORTF-3D. They are set up ...
Ambience Medieval offers a wide variety of sounds that articulate the Medieval world. The Area and Interior subprojects represent aspects of medieval life, the city, day and night, tavern, church, harbor, back alley and market place. These subprojects are mixed using High Order Ambisonics with assets recorded in ORTF-3D, and are set up to render in a variety of common multichannel ...
Basic Layer 1
Strata Help
They have items with mono or stereo source files, which are not mixed using ambisonics.
Wwise SDK
For example, ambisonics will be decoded or encoded if needed. Note: The function will fail if the input or output configuration is object-based, as the speaker volume matrix would be undefined. All panning or spatialization types are honored. 3D Spatialization is performed relative to the default listener position (0,0,0) and orientation, where the front vector is (0,0,1) and the top vector is (0 ...
Wwise SDK
For example, ambisonics will be decoded or encoded if needed. Note: The function will fail if the input or output configuration is object-based, as the speaker volume matrix would be undefined. All panning or spatialization types are honored. 3D Spatialization is performed relative to the default listener position (0,0,0) and orientation, where the front vector is (0,0,1) and the top vector is (0 ...
Wwise SDK
For example, ambisonics will be decoded or encoded if needed. Note: The function will fail if the input or output configuration is object-based, as the speaker volume matrix would be undefined. All panning or spatialization types are honored. 3D Spatialization is performed relative to the default listener position (0,0,0) and orientation, where the front vector is (0,0,1) and the top vector is (0 ...
Wwise SDK 2023.1.4 AkPlatformInitSettings ◆ uNumOperationsForHwMixing AkUInt32 AkPlatformInitSettings::uNumOperationsForHwMixing Used to determine the threshold at which bus-mix operations will be performed in hardware instead of software. For example, if 25 input channels need to be mixed to a 5th-order-ambisonics (36-channel) speaker bed (generating ...
Wwise SDK 2023.1.4 AKSoundEngineCommonAkSpeakerConfig.h ◆ AkChannelConfigType enum AkChannelConfigType Channel configuration type. EnumeratorAK_ChannelConfigType_Anonymous Channel mask == 0 and channels are anonymous. AK_ChannelConfigType_Standard Channels must be identified with standard defines in AkSpeakerConfigs. AK_ChannelConfigType_Ambisonic Ambisonics.
PCM audio file formatsFiles in the Waveform audio format (WAV) and the ambisonics audio format (AMB) can be imported into Wwise. By reading the file header, Wwise can apply the appropriate channel configuration.Channel configurationWwise can import media files with multiple audio channels.The following table lists each of the source channel configurations supported by Wwise and the default configuration ...
Mix is an intermediate representation of sounds and their positions rendered in a channel-based format (for example, 5.1, 7.1, 7.1.4, or ambisonics). This produces a mix suitable for virtualization (that is, virtual positioning according to ideal speaker positions) and binauralization.In the Audio tab of the Project Explorer, right-click the Master Audio Bus and select New Child > Audio Bus. Type ...
Defining positioning—working with speaker panning, understanding 3D spatialized objects, spread, focus and orientation,applying positioning to busses, and using ambisonics.Managing priority—understanding and defining playback priority, limiting playback instances, and managing low-volume objects.Managing Effects—applying Effects to objects and busses, working with Effect ShareSets, bypassing, rendering ...