Table des matières
Every lesson you've completed so far was using the Wwise Adventure Game as the Unity project. To make things easier at first, we conveniently set up the integration for you ahead of time using the Wwise Adventure Game, but once you start assisting on other game projects or make your own, you will need to know how to set up the Wwise Unity Integration from scratch. By following these steps, you will be able to integrate Wwise into any new or existing Unity project you might assist in. For that you will need the Launcher that you installed in the Introduction.
If the Wwise Adventure Game Unity Project is open, close it.
Open the Unity Hub.
Click New project.
At the top of the New project page, select the appropriate version of the Unity Editor.
Select the 3D template, change the Project name to something unique, and click Create project. The project is created, and opens in the Unity Editor.
The Wwise Unity Integration can now be installed from the Launcher, but before you are able to let the Launcher do its work, you need to close the Unity Project.
Close the Unity project.
Open the Launcher. As one of the most commonly used game engines, Unity has its own page for associated projects.
In the Launcher menu, select Unity.
On this page not only can you find the Unity project, but you can also configure Wwise-related installations, like integrating or updating the Wwise Unity Integration.
If the new project is not displayed in this list, you can add it by locating its Unity folder. Click either Refresh to automatically search for Unity projects, or Open other and browse to the Unity project folder.
Once the Launcher has loaded your local Unity projects, you will see them in the list under RECENT UNITY PROJECTS.
Here you will have the option of opening the Unity project or integrating the Wwise Unity Integration.
Click Integrate Wwise in Project.
You will now see a window where you can select the platforms you may use for this project, along with installation paths and other options. For this demonstration you will be using the default installation options: Unity Integration Extensions, Microsoft > Windows, and Apple > macOS.
When integrating the Wwise Unity Integration into a new project, the Launcher will automatically select the latest version available. It's recommended to use the latest version, but keep in mind that it is easier to upgrade than downgrade later on, so discuss with your team what versions would be applicable.
Click Integrate and accept the license terms.
This will take a moment. Once the project is downloaded and the integration process is complete, an 'Operation completed successfully' message appears under RECENT UNITY PROJECTS.
Notice that three buttons appear to the right of the project name:
A Unity logo, which opens the Unity project.
A Wwise logo, which opens the newly created Wwise project.
A vertical arrow, which expands to display the Unity and Wwise project paths and the list of integrated platforms.
Click the Unity logo and select the topmost version.
When opening the UniqueName Unity Project, a new scene called 'SampleScene' will be shown in the Hierarchy. There you will find a Main Camera, a Directional Light, and a WwiseGlobal game object.

You have now successfully integrated the Wwise Unity Integration into a new Unity Project. You can also use this procedure to integrate Wwise into any older existing Unity project—just make sure to remove any Unity Audio components in Unity, so they will not conflict with the Wwise Unity Integration. From the lessons in this certification course, you will already know about various components like AkEvents or AkBank, but should you create it all from scratch, you should also be aware of two more components: the AkAudioListener and AkInitializer.