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Can Wwise be integrated into a game made in java (Eclipse and libgdx)?

0 votes
I'm the sound designer, and I'd really like to use Wwise, but I can only see references to C++, Unity and Unreal in the SDK.

The team is making a game for Android.
asked Oct 23, 2013 in General Discussion by David M. (100 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

You can look at JNI ( which would enable you to call C++ code from Java.  You would then be able to call the Wwise API from libgdx.  

Libgdx already include JNI wrappers for Box2D and bullet physics, which are written in C++.  These should be good examples for where to start.

answered Oct 23, 2013 by Bernard R. (Audiokinetic) (35,110 points)