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Bug 2019.1.1: WAAPI returns non-localized SoundBank file path when querying localized SoundBank

0 votes

Hello Wwise,

I found an issue when querying localized SoundBank file path via WAAPI. 

Test setup

  • Version: Wwise 2019.1.1
  • OS: Windows 10
  • Project: IntegrationDemo
  • Case: Query the localized SoundBank: Human by GUID
from waapi import WaapiClient
with WaapiClient() as client:
    # NOTE: client will automatically disconnect at the end of the scope
    query = {
        "from": {"id": ['{8C1E28D2-566C-4D29-B544-2610D577A12C}']},
        "options": {"return": ["id", "name", "type", "soundbank:bnkFilePath"]}

    result ="ak.wwise.core.object.get", query)
    print('WAAPI result: {}'.format(result))
On my machine, soundbank:bnkFilePath turns out to be:
which is unexpected: It should be 
If no current language specified, IMHO, this had better return a list of paths, each corresponding to a valid language of the project.
Similarly, if a SoundBank has mixed localized and non-localized content, one would expect the query to return the paths to all existing BNK files.
Hope this helps.
asked Jun 17, 2019 in General Discussion by Beinan Li 李北南 (160 points)

1 Answer

0 votes
Thank you Beinan for reporting the issue. WG-43852 was created.
answered Jun 17, 2019 by Bernard R. (Audiokinetic) (35,110 points)