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WAAPI getter for sound prefetch size

0 votes

The same way there are multiple sound-only properties getter available in WAAPI, would it be possible to expose an audio source prefetch size?

demandé 9-Aou-2019 dans Feature Requests par Gabriel M. (100 points)

1 Réponse

0 votes

Prefetch Size

The prefetch size (bytes) in the converted file is not accessible with WAAPI.

You can access the value in the SoundBankInfo files (json/xml), generated with the Soundbank files:

    "IncludedMemoryFiles": [
      "Id": "230377263",
      "Language": "SFX",
      "ShortName": "2_blocks.wav",
      "Path": "SFX\\2_blocks_D79FB2B7.wem",
      "PrefetchSize": "9664"

We also plan on adding WAAPI a topic you can register to be notified when SoundBanks are generated, containing the prefetch size:

Prefetch Lenght

The prefetch lenght is accessible directly as a property on the Sound objects, see here:

PreFetchLength: Prefetch length (ms)

To access the value, use ak.wwise.core.object.get on Sound objects, with "@PreFetchLength" in the return options:


répondu 9-Aou-2019 par Bernard R. (Audiokinetic) (35,110 points)
edité 12-Aou-2019 par Bernard R. (Audiokinetic)
Hello Bernard, thank you for your answer.

However I'm looking specifically for the prefetch size in bytes once encoded - as it might change depending on the conversion being applied etc.

Do you think this would be possible?
I updated my answer.