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Wwise Unreal Integration Error: SDK Folder

+3 votes
Hi There!

One of my students is having issues integrating Wwise into a class Unreal project. He gets around 60% complete and then hits this error:

2020-11-24T21:38:13.775Z: Tracking: launcher/unreal/install/error/ installType:add bundleId:unrealintegration.2019_2_6_1779 engineVersion:4.25 platformsToInstall: isCreatingWwiseProject:true errorMessage:Something went wrong when reading the Wwise SDK folder: 'The "path" argument must be one of type string, Buffer, or URL. Received type object'. Please try again.

That's all there is. The log doesn't have any more information that that, as far as I can tell. No way to attach it here.

Any ideas?


asked Nov 24, 2020 in General Discussion by Frank P. (130 points)

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