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Routing Motion Source to a connected PS4 controller

+1 vote
Hi there,

I've been trying to follow along to the latest One Minute Wwise video about using Motion for vibration feedback -

However, I've not been able to successfully output the vibration to a Dualshock 4 connected. I've selected the 'Wwise Motion - Default_Motion_Device' as the output for the Motion Factory Bus in Audio Preferences and also selected the PS4 assignment in the Motion Source Editor.

If selecting the PS4 headphone device as the output source for the same bus, I'm able to route audio successfully - which  makes me think its only a problem with the output routing.

Any thoughts? Any help would be appreciated.

demandé 20-Dec-2020 dans General Discussion par Anantha G. (200 points)

1 Réponse

+1 vote
Meilleure réponse
Native DualShock and DualSense (not using XInput) is not currently supported by Wwise Motion on Windows. However, we are actively working on it and expect this feature to land in the next patch release of 2021.1.

For the full compatibility list of controller APIs for each platform, refer to the table under "Game setup":
répondu 19-Aou-2021 par Samuel L. (Audiokinetic) (23,300 points)
edité 19-Aou-2021 par Samuel L. (Audiokinetic)
Hi, has this feature been integrated? There doesn't seem to be documentation on this.
