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Cannot find States in SoundbanksInfo.json/xml

0 votes

We'd like to use generated IDs in our engine but we don't use C++, so Wwise_IDs.h cannot be read directly. SoundbanksInfo.json looks like something we could use, and it does contain events, switch groups etc, but for some reason not state groups.

Is that a known limitation of SoundbanksInfo?
asked Jan 20, 2021 in General Discussion by Sebastien V. (110 points)

2 Answers

+1 vote
are your state groups being used by your sound?


if no sound is referencing any state group they might not appear in soundbankinfo
answered Jan 29, 2021 by Hou Chenzhong (Audiokinetic) (5,990 points)
0 votes
1、API:GetIDFromString() will help u


2、the id of state always appear in Init.json(Init.txt)etc.
answered Feb 2, 2021 by chenggongzhang (1,120 points)