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Jumping to next group in music playlist

0 votes
Say in a music playlist, there is is a Group looping with Loop Count set to "Infinite". How can I jump to the next Group in the playlist from there, when something happens in the game?

(I want to jump to a randomly selected new music piece. So I canĀ“t use a switch or state change because these have defined target objects, not randomly selected ones. So it seems I have to use a music playlist because only music playlists can provide random changes within the music hierarchy. Or am I missing something here?)
asked Feb 2, 2021 in General Discussion by Juergen Z. (100 points)
edited Feb 2, 2021 by Juergen Z.

1 Answer

0 votes
Yes, you probably already came to this conclusion, but I think you'll have to set up the next group as a different playlist.  You can use transition rules to say when transitioning from A to B, jump to a specific item in the list, like the random group.
answered Jun 2, 2021 by Monty M. (2,650 points)