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Cant remote connect with cube, status says different version. Wwise 101 Lesson 2

0 votes
Ive had Wwise before I started the 101 lessons and only downloaded the Cube assets. Came to this step and it says "Status: Different Version" and the connect button is greyed out. I went back,downloaded and installed the Wwise version that came in the lesson assets and it didnt solve the problem. Now Im stuck, cant proceed with the lessons because I cant connect to the game.
asked Jan 16, 2015 in General Discussion by Devin D. (100 points)

1 Answer

0 votes

Did you re-download Cube with the new version of Wwise, or are you using the original version you downloaded before with the newer version of Wwise that you just grabbed?

That'll help us sort out your issue.

Mike Drummelsmith (@AKMikeD)
answered Jan 19, 2015 by Mike D. (Audiokinetic) (3,860 points)