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UE4.12 SoundSeed registration

0 支持

Martin B. asked a similar question for UE4.11. No one responded so I'm trying here.

I'm trying to register Sound Seed plugin for a UE4.12 Content-Only (blueprints based) project. Sound Seed is supposedly included with my license key. I have followed the instructions from the Wwise UE4integration FAQ without a rebuild... but no luck so far. Is Sound Seed considered a "third-party" Wwise plugin and requires a rebuild? Anyone have any success with this?


A: In order for your plug-in to register itself with the SoundEngine, you need to include the plug-in's factory header (.h) file. To do so, add the necessary include in…/Plugins/Wwise/Source/AkAudio/Private/AkAudioDevice.cpp, under the line saying

// Add additional plug-ins here.

You then need to link against the plug-in's library. To do so, add a call to the AddWwiseLib function for your plug-in in …/Plugins/Wwise/Source/AkAudio/AkAudio.Build.cs, near the other plug-ins. You then need to rebuild your game project from the Visual Studio solution or Xcode workspace.

Note: A limitation in Unreal Engine 4 prevents from rebuilding an Unreal plug-in from a Content-only (Blueprint) project. Therefore, third-party Wwise DSP plug-ins are not available in a Content-only (Blueprint) project, as this method requires rebuilding the Wwise Unreal plug-in.


makers (180 ポイント) 2016 7/21 質問 General Discussion

回答 1

0 支持

Hi, this is a little late but hope it helps some people out. This is how I registered the SoundSeed plugin with Wwise 2017.1.4 and UE 4.18.2. 

Registering Wwise 3rd Party Plugins

  1. Add the following to AkAudio.Build.CS (around line 343)
    1.  AddWwiseLib(Target, "EFFECT_PLUGIN_NAME"); // Get the EFFECT_PLUGIN_NAME from the .lib file in the Wwise plugin directory (Audiokinetic\WWISE_VERSION\SDK\PLATFORM\Release\lib)
  2. Add the following to AkAudioDevice.cpp (around line 93)
    1. #include <AK/Plugin/PLUGIN_NAME_INCLUDE.h> // under the comment: Add additional plug-ins here. PLUGIN_NAME_INCLUDE.h can be found (Audiokinetic\WWISE_VERSION\SDK\include\AK\Plugin)
  3. Close UE4 and Visual Studio project.
  4. Lastly, generate visual studio project from UE4 project file.
ShadowStorm (160 ポイント) 2018 1/29 回答
Hi there,

I was wondering if you could provide anymore instruction for this as i am really struggling to get Sound Seed working!Ive added in the lines of code i think in the right places, but when i right click on the ue4 project and click generate visual studio codes it says there are no source codes.
