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Is it possible to listen to converted audio files from within Wwise?

0 支持
I want to be able to check various conversion settings to make sure I'm not crunching my sound too much, but I can't find any way to demo the lower quality compressed sounds after conversion. When I hit play while selecting the files from within the Conversion window, the full frequency version always plays. Crunched to 400k sample rate to confirm this - no auditory change.
Beatrix Moersch (3,280 ポイント) 2017 10/3 質問 General Discussion

回答 1

0 支持
Hello Beatrix, listening to converted files can be simply done via the Transport. You just need to un-select the " Original " button once you have converted your files. See documentation for more info:
Fabien B. (Audiokinetic) (12,860 ポイント) 2017 10/3 回答
Beatrix Moersch 2017 10/4 選択
Thank you for the quick reply!
Adding to this question, should I assume that playing the non-original sound will play the Windows compressed version? I am working on differing compression for Windows and PS4 right now. Is there any way to test the lower quality PS4 compression next to the Windows compression?