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Unity Wwise integration and compilation times.

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Hi, we are using Wwise with unity 2017. As Unity will always recompile all code in the main assembly, and the Wwise folder is currently NOT inside the Plugins folder, Wwise integration costs us compilation time as we code. We work around this by moving specific folders into extra Plugins folders, so that it stays in the plugins assembly. But it would be much better if Wwise could do this by default. Thanks.
Damian C. (100 ポイント) 2017 11/13 質問 Feature Requests

回答 1

0 支持
Hi Damian

I don't have an answer for you, sorry, but just like you, we noticed slower compilation after integrating Wwise into a project in Unity 5.6.3f1. What specific folders did you move into a plugins folder to help with this?

Simon S. (260 ポイント) 2018 1/5 回答
Currently I am using an assembly definition file inside the Wwise folder and another one inside inside Wwise/Editor checked for editor only. This makes wwise scripts a separate assembly like Plugins. But this is only available in unity 2017.x