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[Unreal Engine 4.16 x WWise 2016.2.5.6121] AkComponent still use RaycastSingle when Occlusion Refresh Interval is 0

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Hi, I am doing optimization for our game, and I notice that AkComponent use RaycastSingle have a pretty amount of impact on max frame time.

Since our game is in a open environment, I try to disable occlusion by setting Occlusion Refresh Interval to 0.

But I can still see AkComponent using RaycastSingle after I disable occlusion.

I wonder whether I can completely disable AkComponent to use RaycastSingle? Or is it fixed in latest version? (currently using WWise 2016.2.5.6121)

Thank you.
Wenzheng H. (100 ポイント) 2017 11/16 質問 General Discussion

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