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Audio Latency in Unreal Engine

+2 支持


I've successfully integrated Wwise with Unreal Engine. But there is a noticeable latency between user input and the sound start playing.
The latency is about 80ms when using a normal sound card, which is not huge but definitely has a negative impact on how the gun feels. Unreal native sound system has a latency of <40ms (not measured, just from the feel of it).

There is AkInitSettings::uNumSamplesPerFrame() but is there a better practice for Unreal? I want to avoid compiling from source if possible.

Thanks in advance!

Xiaodi Z. (160 ポイント) 2018 2/28 質問 General Discussion
Xiaodi Z. 2018 3/1 編集

回答 1

0 支持
We are experiencing the same amount of latency ~80ms.  Would love some help on solving this.  Many of our weapons just don't feel responsive with this amount of latency.
Jaren T. (160 ポイント) 2018 4/10 回答