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how can i move Unity\Assets\Wwise folder into Unity\Assets\Plugins\Wwise?

+3 支持

we need to change  path of the Unity\Assets\Wwise folder in our unity project,i had try to do that, and make some errors like: DllNotFoundException: AkWaapiClient and DllNotFoundException: AkSoundEngine.

so, how to solve the problem, thanks!

feng j. (130 ポイント) 2018 11/23 質問 General Discussion

回答 2

+2 支持
it should be a bug, you can keep the dll files in the original folder and just move other scripts files as you wish~ But I hope Wwise official fix it as soon as possible
JazMaybe (370 ポイント) 2018 12/4 回答
0 支持

I can not ensure it is useful. 

I found a problem about 'AkPluginActivator.cs' in my project, the file shows that ‘// Path is Assets/Wwise/Deployment/Plugins/Platform. We need the platform string’ ,

and 'AkPluginActivator.cs' is called to parse the key info in gameplay, some codes like 'var pluginPlatform = splitPath[5];' ,the position '5' is from the default path 'Assets/Wwise/Deployment/Plugins/Platform' and it gets the info about 'Platform'

so, when I move wwise folder to Plugins, it changes 'Assets/Wwise/Deployment/Plugins/Platform' to 'Assets/Plugins/Wwise/Deployment/Plugins/Platform', it will get incorrect key info 'Plugins' , when I changed the position num to 6 (there are some code need to change in the file) , DllNotFoundException will not to be reported

dongyue z. (150 ポイント) 2019 3/6 回答
DllNotFoundException: Unable to load DLL 'AkSoundEngine': The specified
module could not be found. at AkSoundEnginePINVOKE.CSharp_IsInitialized
() [0x00000] in :0 at AkSoundEngineController.Init
(.AkInitializer akInitializer) [0x00000] in :0 at
GameMain.LuaManagerStart () [0x00000] in :0 at
ResUpdate+cIterator0.MoveNext () [0x00000] in :0