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Issues Importing SoundBank UE4

0 支持

UE4: 4.20.3

Wwise: 2018.1.7.6880

I am currently running into some issues importing sound banks from a Wwise project into UE4. I have followed the directions of using the Wwise picker to create a new event, and then double clicking on it to affiliate it with a soundbank; however, my sound banks do not appear to be integrated into UE4 via the integrate feature in the Wwise launcher. I have scoured over my UE4 project folder, and none of the sound banks seem to have made it into the directory. I even tried manually copying the sound banks over to the UE4 content folder via UE4's project settings to no avail.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.
Peter K. (100 ポイント) 2019 5/9 質問 General Discussion

回答 1

0 支持
我也遇到了这样的问题。目前我的解决方法是自己新建bank 但是需要和WWISE 里面的名字一直。目前这里面除了event 不需要新建,可以直接托进去以外。Banks和AuxBus和VirtualAcoustics都需要自己去新建。这个和我以前用FMOD完全不一样。不知道为什么官方要这样设置的不方便。不好意思我英文不好只能发中文给你。你再翻译一下吧。
新兴 (190 ポイント) 2019 5/13 回答
I'll try and give this a shot. Still strange that this is happening.