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Wwise Initialization Settings not accessible (Unity warning)

+1 支持


Under Unity 2019.1 Wwise Initialization Settings is not accessible under Edit > Project Settings. 

Unity is throwing a warning into console on each game start:

There are menu items registered under Edit/Project Settings: Wwise Initialization Settings
Consider using [SettingsProvider] attribute to register in the Unified Settings Window.



I know, how to access these settings, but will the warning be fixed? Or how to disable it?

Paweł D. (120 ポイント) 2019 5/22 質問 General Discussion

回答 2

+1 支持

Hey, this is the worst answer but I changed in AkWwiseInitializationSettings.cs

from this
[UnityEditor.MenuItem("Edit/Project Settings/Wwise Initialization Settings")]
to this:
[UnityEditor.MenuItem("Edit/Wwise Initialization Settings")]
The issue is that using MenuItem() to add stuff to "Project Settings" is now flagged as an error by Unity, they want people to use the new SettingsProvider() attribute.
I am not aware of a way to disable the warning so had to do it this way.  It moves the menu item, but, it's still pretty easy to find. Just make sure your audio crew knows where to look if they need stuff there.
Dominic C. (220 ポイント) 2019 11/14 回答
0 支持
Have you been able to find a solution to the problem?

Thank you very much!
Andreu K. (150 ポイント) 2020 3/4 回答