AudiokineticのコミュニティQ&AはWwiseやStrataのコミュニティ内でユーザ同士が質問・回答をし合うことができるフォーラムです。Audiokineticテクニカルサポートチームからの回答をご希望の場合は、必ず サポートチケットページ をご利用ください。

Wwise cannot be installed

0 支持

I once installed wwise of 2018.1.1.6727ver and studied with some lesson project files.

I tried to install the lesson project files again to study twice and opened it but wwise said it cannot be opened because of the version changes.

So I tried to update wwise by Wwise Launcher but it doesn't work with the error below.


「Install operation completed with errors:Can't access/modify C:\Program Files (x86)\Audiokinetic\Data\install-table.json


It might be the reason that I had moved project files from C drive to the other drive to save disk capacity. I don't know what to do to solve this problem.


I appreciate your help. Thank you.
272727 (100 ポイント) 2019 6/12 質問 General Discussion

回答 2

–2 支持
I am sure this is much too late to be helpful but I just encountered the same error after attempting to install on a different drive. The solution was to run Wwise launcher as administrator, then the data file can be accessed.
Michael D. (100 ポイント) 2020 12/30 回答
Running as administrator can cause problems to files created by the Wwise Launcher when it comes to file permissions. Do not run the Wwise Launcher in administrator mode: instead make sure your user has write access to the Audiokinetic folder, as well as any other folder that the Launcher needs to access (Unity/Unreal project, install locations, etc.)
+1 支持
This is an old post, but I just found this problem on mac, and to solve it you have to go to the folder or the file and check that you have the "Read and Write" rights. Even if I was administrator, it didn't work because I had to install it on another account... To do this, right click + read information and you will find it at the bottom. Check that your lock is open.

Théophile Demarcq
Théophile Demarcq (1,550 ポイント) 2022 1/24 回答