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[UE4] Are networking resources freed correctly ?

+1 vote

I've just finished investigation reported by our sound designers. I've found something interesting that could be a bug.


1. Start UE4Editor.exe.

2. Splash screen will appear. At this moment UE4 has opened port UDP 24024.

Command: "netstat -abno -P UDP" will show port 24024 in use by UE4Editor.exe process.

At this moment you can connect WWise to the editor.

3. Let's back to the splash screen. Select your project and click open.

4. Opening a project starts new process. Wait until it's loaded.

Command: "netstat -abno -P UDP" will show port 24024 as used twice. First entry refers to new UE4Editor.exe process, second to "System". The second PID cannot be found on process list.

5. Now, when editor has loaded your project, try to connect to the editor with WWise.

This will fail, WWise will repeat UDP multicasting without any result. At this moment UDP handle is probably broken.


My suspicions are:

 - When closing slpash screen: WWise forgets/can't keep up with freeing resources.

- When opening second process: WWise fails to open resource that is still in use. Thats why second process cannot be accessed by WWise editor.


This situation can be simply avoided by running UE4 directly by link with map name and project name. Ex. "UE4Editor.exe GameName /Game/TestContent/Maps/XXXMap.umap -editor -log".


Please check if this is a WWise related issue. If not, I'll post this into private UDN.


asked Sep 18, 2014 in General Discussion by Marcin P. (150 points)

1 Answer

+1 vote


This is a known issue in UE4 and also in Unity3D.  If you have the Android NDK installed on your computer, both engines will start an adb.exe process for Android.  Even if you don't use Android in your project.  You just need to have the Android NDK installed and you'll be screwed.

The solution: manually open the Task Manager and kill adb.exe.

Epic is aware of the issue.


answered Sep 18, 2014 by Mathieu J. (Audiokinetic) (7,120 points)