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Using VST files with MIDI in WWISE

0 支持
I'm trying to use a virtual instrument library to produce the sounds for a MIDI track. I have a license to Garritan's Concert & Marching Band instrument library, however, this only allows me to download VSTi and AU files. Is it possible to use these files/instruments within a Wwise Unity integration?
Luis G. (100 ポイント) 2020 2/4 質問 General Discussion

回答 1

0 支持
Hi there,

the Wwise plugins are divided into a Creative Tools section and a Sound Engine section.

Unlike the VST/AU plugins used in DAWs,

the Wwise plugins are specifically optimized for deployment in games,

so you cannot use the VST/AU plugins directly in the Wwise authoring environment.
Hou Chenzhong (Audiokinetic) (6,010 ポイント) 2020 10/20 回答
// VSTBridge.h
class VSTBridge : public AK::Wwise::Plugin::PluginBase
    // 构造函数和析构函数
    virtual ~VSTBridge();

    // 初始化函数
    virtual AKRESULT Init(AK::IAkPluginMemAlloc* in_pAllocator);

    // 销毁函数
    virtual AKRESULT Term(AK::IAkPluginMemAlloc* in_pAllocator);

    // 插槽管理
    bool AddVSTPlugin(const char* vstPluginPath); // 添加 VST 插件
    bool RemoveVSTPlugin(const char* vstPluginPath); // 移除 VST 插件

    // 音频处理函数
    virtual void Process(AK::IAkAudioBuffer* io_pBuffer);

    // VST 插件的处理和管理逻辑
    // ...

// VSTBridge.cpp
#include "VSTBridge.h"

    // 构造函数逻辑

    // 析构函数逻辑

AKRESULT VSTBridge::Init(AK::IAkPluginMemAlloc* in_pAllocator)
    // 初始化逻辑

AKRESULT VSTBridge::Term(AK::IAkPluginMemAlloc* in_pAllocator)
    // 销毁逻辑

bool VSTBridge::AddVSTPlugin(const char* vstPluginPath)
    // 添加 VST 插件逻辑

bool VSTBridge::RemoveVSTPlugin(const char* vstPluginPath)
    // 移除 VST 插件逻辑

void VSTBridge::Process(AK::IAkAudioBuffer* io_pBuffer)
    // 音频处理逻辑