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Wwise launcher 的recent projects 中不显示打开过的工程列表;Can't find any "Recent Projects" in the my Wwise launcher...

+1 vote

My Wwise launcher can't show any  "Recent Projects" in PROJECTS. But I've already opened several projects before and it's just don't show any of them....

It's only represent "No projects found"...

And right now I'm trying to set project license for them,  I can't do this if it doesn't shows...

Do anybody know how can I solve this or another way to set the project's license?


我的Wwise launcher 的recent projects 中不显示打开过的工程列表,只有“No projects found”。

但是我是已经打开过几个工程文件 并且保存退出

重新关闭再打开launcher 也不显示。。。。


asked Mar 25, 2020 in General Discussion by Li J. (110 points)
recategorized Mar 25, 2020 by Mads Maretty S. (Audiokinetic)
Having a similar issue right now ):

None of my Unreal projects, in my Unreal Tab, show up anymore even tho it worked two weeks ago.

All i see is "no Projects found" , reloading does nothing.

As no UE projects ar shown I can't make new Wwise Unreal integrations.

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