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Objects with MultiPositionType in WWise Game Object 3D Viewer

0 支持
I have several objects with multipositions in my project.

In game client, they sound perfectly, in every assigned position. but in WWise Game Object 3D Viewer they displayed as single unit only (at first assigned position, I guess)

Is it by design?

ILYA L. (190 ポイント) 2014 12/8 質問 General Discussion

回答 1

+1 支持
Yes, they are not supported in the Game Object 3D Viewer.
Bernard R. (Audiokinetic) (35,110 ポイント) 2014 12/10 回答
ILYA L. 2014 12/12 選択
Thank you, Bernard.
Is this feature in TODO list? Any time estimation for it? It would be handy to have MultiPositionType objects displayed properly. We use this feature to voice our forests, about 2000 positions of 12 different events on the map. And, to our surprise, WWise handle all of them very fast.