Wwise Tour 2018 - Tencent Games (5 of 5) CPU & Memory Optimization for Mobile Games

Sound Design for Mobile Game

Part 5 - CPU and Memory Optimization for Mobile Games

Filmed in Shanghai on October 23, 2018. Presented by Ci Song, Sound Designer, Xiarong Chen, Sound Designer and Kai Xu, Senior Audio Programmer at Tencent Games, Timi Studio.

조회수 630

관련 영상


Wwise Tour 2018 - Remedy Entertainment (1 of 3) Breaking Time in Quantum Break


Wwise Tour 2018 - Remedy Entertainment (2 of 3) Northlight Environmental Audio Tech


Wwise Tour 2018 - Remedy Entertainment (3 of 3) Gameplay Music in Control

관련 영상


Wwise Tour 2018 - Remedy Entertainment (1 of 3) Breaking Time in Quantum Break

조회수 2301

Wwise Tour 2018 - Remedy Entertainment (2 of 3) Northlight Environmental Audio Tech

조회수 2973

Wwise 투어

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