Wwise Tour 2016 - Playdead INSIDE (3 of 3) - Scene Change

Game: Inside

Wwise Tour 2016, Warsaw, Poland. Inside by Playdead. Presented by Martin Stig Andersen, Composer & Sound Designer at Playdead and Jakob Schmid, Audio Programmer at Playdead. Wwise by Audiokinetic. https://www.audiokinetic.com/

The shockwave scene! Anderson focused on capturing the subconscious of the player via audio triggers and stimuli, however, the shockwave scene is undoubtedly one of the most memorable gameplay realisations. Part of beating the odds with Inside is memorizing and understanding a musical loop which essentially conveys the player’s lifeline. Anderson demonstrates how the game mechanic is attached to a certain rhythm; a lethal shockwave happening every 6 seconds, which forces the player to take cover frequently while opening or closing filters and volume changes within the audio scene. Reverb aux sends are also modulated based on how the player takes cover. Anderson also demonstrates how they used music cues to inform the game when certain graphic effects should be produced to remain synchronized with the audio.

조회수 14262

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