

Quick Start Sample Integration - Switches

Switch Example

Setting switches is very similar to setting states, except that you do it with the AK::SoundEngine::SetSwitch() function:


The AK::SoundEngine::SetSwitch() method also accepts strings (Unicode or Ansi) instead of IDs, in which case you would specify the names of the switch group and switch, as defined by the Wwise user:

AK::SoundEngine::SetSwitch( L"Ground", L"Gravel", GAME_OBJECT_ID_HUMAN );

In the sample program you can experiment with switches by clicking on the Start Walking button (to start triggerring Play_FootStep events every half second) and then changing the ground material with the "Ground switch" dropdown list.

Refer to Integration Details - Switches for more details.

Note: This sample code comes from the Sound Engine Integration Sample Project available in the Samples section. Refer to Integration Demo Sample for more information.

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