
Build Log

Warnings and error messages are displayed in the Unity Editor console and in the Build Log. The Build Log file contains more detailed messages created while building the Integration. The Build Log is stored in the following location:


The log messages are displayed in the following format:

Time : Message type: Source Code File name (Module name): Line number: Message body


2013-09-26 09:29:56,490: INFO: BuildWwiseUnityIntegration.py (WindowsBuilder): 91: Building: Windows (Win32, Debug) ...

The log file accumulates and rotates to a new file after an hour. You can modify the rotation behavior by configuring the BuildUtil.CreateLogger() function in the following file from the Wwise Unity Integration source package:


Refer to Python logging.handlers module

On certain platforms, additional log files may be generated by the IDEs, for example, Visual Studio. The additional files are available under the same folder with the keyword IDE in their file names.

Generated on Tue Aug 23 02:44:59 2016 for Wwise Unity Integration by  doxygen 1.6.3

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