
Adding RTPC to Tracks

The intention in the multi-layered ambient system is to drive intensity by using volume in conjunction with several key tracks within the segment, specifically: Bass Drum, Cymbals, French Horn, Male Choir, and Trombones.

Double clicking the RTPC icon for the Bass Drum track opens up the RTPC tab for the track, where volume can then be added and associated with the Danger game parameter.

Accessing the property editor via the RTPC icon

Adding volume adjustment in conjunction with the Danger game parameter for the Bass Drum track

[Tip] Tip

Click the line to select a different curve type. For example, choose Exponential so that the volume increases at a more progressive rate with increasing danger levels.

These same changes can be applied to additional tracks so that as the Danger parameter increases, additional instruments fade up and reveal layers of musical intensity.

Completed ambient music system showing tracks with RTPC enabled

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