
Generating a Motion Source from an Existing Audio Signal

When you convert an existing audio signal into a motion source, the audio signal is split in two at run-time after both RTPCs and effects have been applied. The split is done so as not to affect the original sound. Since audio has a much larger spectrum than motion, the higher frequencies are filtered out using a low pass filter. The signal is then re-sampled using a much lower sample rate to create the motion source.

Enabling routing to a Motion Bus from an existing sound object

[Note] Designer Note

The LFE channel is ignored when generating motion from an existing audio source.

Since the motion source is generated from an existing audio source, the motion is tied to the audio playback in game. This means that the motion source does not require a separate event to be triggered in game. It also means that the motion source is affected by the same properties, behaviors, game syncs, and so on, as the audio object.

[Note] Designer Note

You can't generate a motion source from an existing audio source on the Wii platform. To generate motion on the Wii, you have to use Motion FX objects and the Motion Generator plug-in.

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