
Using the Wwise Authoring API (WAAPI)

The Wwise Authoring API is used to communicate with the Wwise authoring application. The functions available in the API allow the clients to perform several tasks, including:

  • Wwise project manipulations, such as:
    • Retrieving objects and their information
    • Setting information on objects
    • Creating new objects
  • Common operations, such as:
    • Importing audio files
    • Generating SoundBanks
    • Converting audio files
    • Playing Wwise objects
  • User interface access and control, such as:
    • Opening views
    • Accessing current selection and changing them
    • Inspecting objects
  • SoundEngine usage, such as
    • Creating Game objects and setting their position
    • Posting Events
    • Setting Game Parameter values, Switches and States


The Wwise Authoring API can be integrated within a:

  • Game Engine
  • Dialogue management pipeline
  • DAW for sound design, editing, dialogue recording or music production

The Wwise Authoring API can be used to:

  • Automate tasks, such as importing audio files or creating Wwise objects
  • Remotely control Wwise on mobile devices
  • Implement custom Wwise interfaces


The Wwise Authoring API is accessible through 2 different protocols:

  • WAMP: WAMP is intended to connect application components in distributed applications. WAMP uses WebSocket as its default transport, which allows for ordered, reliable, bidirectional, and message-oriented communications. WAMP allows the clients to call functions with JSON arguments and retrieve structured JSON results. WAMP also allows clients to subscribe to notifications.
  • HTTP POST: HTTP is an application protocol for distributed applications. HTTP is the most used method to transfer content on the Internet. POST enables the caller to send a document body, which, for the Wwise Authoring API, corresponds to the function arguments as JSON. The HTTP response is the JSON result.

These 2 protocols can be used under a variety of languages, such as C++, C#, JavaScript, Python, and other languages with HTTP or WebSocket support.

Note: WAMP provides the best performance and experience because it reuses the same WebSocket connection for the whole session and provides bidirectional communications.

In summary, here are the features supported by the protocols:


Remote Procedure Calls

Allows to call functions remotely on Wwise Authoring

Refer to Wwise Authoring API Reference

Supported Supported

Publish & Subscribe

Allows to receive notifications when changes occur in the Wwise authoring.

Supported Not Supported
Optimal performance Yes No

Read more about specific topics:

Refer to the following topics for the Wwise Authoring API reference:

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