Wwise Unity Integration Documentation
API Changes and Limitations

The following features and functions of the native Wwise SDK are not supported, or their behaviors have been modified in the Integration (most recent change first):

  • UnloadBank() no longer takes a single argument overloaded version. A memory-location pointer has to be provided as the second argument.
  • The Windows version of GetGameObjectFromPlayingID() returns GameObject ID in 32bit for both Windows 32bit and 64bit (truncation).
  • PostEvent() and GameObject-related APIs now accept null as the GameObject input argument to affect the global scope.
  • PostEvent() callbacks are serialized and occur on the start of the next game frame instead of being called from the audio thread. Therefore no synchronization mechanism is necessary.
  • AK::Monitoring::SetLocalOutput() has been replaced by AkCallbackManager.SetMonitoringCallback().
  • AK::SoundEngine::SetPosition() has been replaced by AkSoundEngine.SetObjectPosition().
  • Streaming sounds should not be done at the same time as level data is loaded from disk.
  • Several AK::SoundEngine::DynamicSequence API functions are renamed in their Unity API binding to maintain clarity. This is a remedy to compensate for the namespace-flattening side effects caused by SWIG. For example, AK::SoundEngine::DynamicSequence::Open() would have become AkSoundEngine.Open() in the generated API. So we rename it into AkSoundEngine.DynamicSequenceOpen() in the API binding.
  • C++ overloaded operators are renamed into functions in the Unity scripting language; for example, AkArray::operator[] becomes AkPlaylistArray.ItemAtIndex(uint uiIndex). This is done according to how SWIG is designed to handle C++ overloaded operators.
  • Unsupported API and components:
    • iOS audio input callback API
    • AkSpeakerVolumeMatrixCallbackInfo
    • AkSpeakerVolumeMatrixBusCallbackInfo
    • AkBusCallbackFunc
    • AK::SoundEngine::RegisterBusVolumeCallback
    • AK::SoundEngine::RegisterCodec
    • AK::SoundEngine::RegisterGlobalCallback
    • AK::SoundEngine::RegisterPlugin
    • AK::SoundEngine::Query::AkGameObjectsList
    • AK::SoundEngine::Query::GetActiveGameObjects()
    • AK::SoundEngine::Query::GameObjDst
    • AK::SoundEngine::Query::AkRadiusList
    • AK::SoundEngine::Query::GetMaxRadius(AkRadiusList& io_RadiusList)
    • all variants of AK::SoundEngine::DynamicDialogue::ResolveDialogueEvent that accept callbacks or event names
  • Known issue: WG-47181: (Stadia) Unable to load Wwise Plugins.
    See also
  • Platform-Specific Information.

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